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Healthmate HM400 Air Purifier for Gas Stoves (Traps Nitrogen dioxide and benzene)

Regular price $1,004.00 CAD
Regular price Sale price $1,004.00 CAD
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Gas Stoves and Nitrogen dioxide

According to Harvard Medical School, "cooking with gas stoves creates nitrogen dioxide and releases additional tiny airborne particles known as PM2.5, both of which are lung irritants. Nitrogen dioxide has been linked with childhood asthma. During 2019 alone, almost two million cases worldwide of new childhood asthma were estimated to be due to nitrogen dioxide pollution.

Children living in households that use gas stoves for cooking are 42% more likely to have asthma, according to an analysis of observational research. While observational studies can't prove that cooking with gas is the direct cause of asthma, data also show that the higher the nitrogen dioxide level, the more severe the asthma symptoms in children and adults.

Cooking and baking done with gas appliances can give off high concentrations of nitrogen dioxide. A recent study published by researchers at Stanford calculated that emission of nitrogen dioxide from certain gas burners or ovens rose above the standard set for outdoors by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) within a few minutes. Currently, the EPA has set no standard for safe levels indoors."

Gas Stoves and Benzene

According to the New York Times, "new studies have also linked gas stoves to increased rates of childhood asthma, and shown that using a gas stove can produce elevated levels of benzene on par with those from second-hand tobacco smoke.

In January 2023, the Consumer Product Safety Commission made it clear that while the agency isn’t looking to ban gas stoves, it is actively researching performance tests for measuring emissions, safety standards, and other solutions for reducing the potential hazards. The Department of Energy is in the process of proposing stronger efficiency regulations for new gas stoves that would also effectively reduce their emissions."

What is the Solution?

In the NYT article, an air purification expert is quotes as saying "the only model he has tested that he would recommend for removing gases emitted from a gas stove is the Austin Air HealthMate HM400. In addition to a HEPA filter, this heavy-duty air purifier has a 15-pound adsorbent filter that contains both activated carbon." and zeolite.

In the Harvard study, the suggestion is to "use air purifiers.  Although they do not remove all pollutants, air purifiers can improve indoor air quality. Choose an air purifier that has a high clean air delivery rate (CADR) matched to the size of your room. Air purifiers are easy to move around, so you can have it near the kitchen during the day and move it to the bedroom when you sleep. Remember to replace the filters when they are dirty."